The many reasons CFD is being widely used today
are as follows:
CFD predicts performance
before modifying or installing the systems:
Without modifying and/or installing actual systems
or prototype, CFD can predict what design change
is most crucial to enhance performance.
CFD provides exact and
detailed information about HVAC design parameters:
The advances in HVAC/IAQ technology require broader
and more detailed information about the flow within
an occupied zone, and the CFD technique meets this
goal better than any other method, i.e., theoretical
or experimental methods.
CFD saves cost and time:
CFD costs much less than experiments because physical
modifications are not necessary. (Note that the
cost and time for physical changes/modifications
increase almost exponentially as the size of the
system increases).
CFD is reliable:
Most importantly, the numerical schemes and methods
upon which CFD is based are improving rapidly so
that reliability on the results produced by CFD
is high. Increased reliability makes CFD a dependable
tool in any design and analysis purpose.